Our Churches

We have over 100 churches across Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire in our district and growing every year. As you can imagine, it can be hard to find the church you're looking for. So we've compiled all our churches and their information for you.
Find A Church


Like every religion, we hold to a certain set of beliefs. These are not thoughts we made up, but what we believe God has revealed to us in the Bible. You can expect our teaching and decision making to regularly reflect these truths.
Learn What We Believe


Our leaders are uniquely gifted people who desire to use their God given gifts for the spiritual growth of our church. They are not perfect, but they are called to a high biblical standard that they aspire to live up to.
Meet Our Leaders


It is our goal to provide resources for church departments, including children, youth, discipleship & more. We also provide a credentialing process for ministers seeking to advance their ministry call through certification, licensing & ordination.
Learn More