TEXT:         Gen. 1:26-28; selected passages also from Old & New Testaments; Prov. 31

INTRO:       We live in a world of crisis! There are military crisis around the globe, economic crisis facing every nation, energy crisis still exist worldwide, leader­ship crisis, spiritual crisis, the family unit is in crisis, and with it the roles and designs of men and women are facing real crisis!

If anyone should stand and show the world what womanhood and manhood are it should be the Church!  After all God hasn't kept it a secret from humanity, all one has to do is read what God had in mind in His Word - there may be a crisis in the world, but not in the Word!


PROP. SENT:     God's Word will teach us that women are equally loved by God, and are equally important to God in working out His will on this earth. Only together can we accomplish the great commission of Jesus Christ to win the world.

I.      GOD'S CREATION OF WOMANHOOD  Gen. 1:26--28; 2:18-25

A.   "Side Order of Spare Rib?" Gen. 1:26-28; 2:18- 25

1.   God's creation of Eve was NO second thought!

a.   It wasn't just to keep the man company - he had the animals!

b.   It wasn't to cook his meals - they were in a garden with ready to eat orders of many different kinds of food.

c.   It wasn't to wash his clothes - they weren't wearing any at the time! Gen. 2:25

d.   It wasn't to be his servant - there wasn't anything to clean up after! And, God had clearly called them both to "rule" over creation! Gen. 1:26

e.   It wasn't to raise his children, they had none at first!

f.    Eve wasn't just some side order of "spare ribs," she was his partner in life and rulership of creation!

2. God created Adam AND Eve in His own image - Therefore God must possess both male and female characteristics - that might be hard to swallow, but that was what God created them in, both in His image!

a.   Therefore it is not sissy for a man to cry!

b.   Therefore it is not manly for a woman to help in the home in finances!

c.   These are human characteristics given to Adam and Eve after God's own likeness! It is society that has tried to separate "male" and "female" qualities over time, not necessarily God. Men and Women both share the same abilities to express the same emotions!


B.   "1+1=1!" -or- "Higher Mathmatics!"

1.   It is not a rooster & Hen relationship - where the rooster struts around looking sharp and important, and even sounding important while the hens do most of the work, the rooster wouldn't have anything to crow about if he didn't have the hens!

2.   There were 3 parts to God's design of marriage of man and woman: (this order is very important also)

a.   Partnership

b.   Pleasure

c.   Procreation

3.   Every marital problem can be linked to these 3 areas out of order:

a.  Old Testament distortion: (caused Polygamy-put reproduction first)

(1.  Procreation

(2.  Pleasure

(3.  Partnership

b.  Present day distortion: (causes unfaithfulness & distorted priorities]

(1.  Pleasure

(2.  Procreation -or- Partnership

(3.  Partnership -or- Procreation

4.   God intended 1+1=1 not equal 4 or 2 or 2 or 24 etc. 1!

a.  Outside of God, my wife is the best thing that has happened to me!

b.  It is time men to quit trying to convince our wives how hard we work and not acknowledge the fact that our wives have worked just as hard!

c.  This is true in the church too!  The church would crumble without the beautiful Spirit-filled ladies God has placed here in this church body. No wonder King Lemuel said, "Who can find a virtuous woman, her price is far above rubies!" Prov. 31:10

5.   We underestimate the value of godly women!

a.  In the home

b.  In the Church

c.  In the world

6.   It's time to quit trying to prove which one is to submit to the other and link arms and together fight the Devil and this worlds ungodliness!

7.   Paul said it best in Galatians 3:27-28 "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have been clothed with Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, MALE NOR FEMALE, for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus!"

a.  1+1=1!

b.  It's not just Mom's job to take care of the kids, it's DAD & MOM's 1+1=1!


II. GOD'S CALL OF WOMEN! selected passages from Old & New Testament

A.   Old Testament Beauties!  (selected verses)

1.   God's Word commanded children to honor MOM & DAD equally! Ex. 20:12

2.   Sarah: What a Lady! - she kept her husband happy for almost 100 years! She also is listed among those of faith in Hebrews 11

3.   Rahab: What? - a prostitute!  What a lady of faith she became!  She too is listed in Hebrews 11, and is included in Matthew's Gospel showing who were some of the direct descendants of Jesus!  Matt. 1:5

4.   Miriam & Deborah: both great leaders and prophetesses!

a.  Miriam led the Women's Ministries of Israel in songs of victory:  Ex. 15:20

b.  Deborah became the virtual judge of Israel and led the army of God into battle; General Barak wouldn't go into battle against Sisera without her leading the way! Judges 4:8

5.   Hannah (Samuel's Mom): She instilled faith in her son so firmly that when he was raised in Eli's home, who 3 sons had to be destroyed by God, their evil influence was overcome by those early years of training by Hannah so much so that Samuel grew to be one of Israel's greatest prophets! Thank God for mom Hannah! I Samuel 2

6.   Jochebed (Moses' mom) : She nursed and trained Moses, who grew up rich, secure in all the secular advantages that being Pharaoh's son could offer, yet he refused those secular advantages of power and money to become Israel's greatest leader, what a supermom!  Ex. 2


B.   New Testament Beauties!  (selected verses)

1.   Mary (Jesus' mom) - protestants tend to ignore her, yet she was one of the greatest gals ever to live!  God thought enough of her to choose her to be the mother of His only begotten son! God wasn't looking for just a warm womb, but a warm woman, warm in the Spirit of God!  She deserves our admiration, just not our worship!  More is spoken about her by far than about Joseph!  She was there at Jesus' birth, and his death and resurrection!

2.   It was women who were some of the most faithful disciples!

a.  Jesus' favorite home to refresh Himself in was the home of Lazarus and his 2 sisters; Mary and Martha. John 11:5 - It was Martha who expressed faith in Jesus when talking to Him about Lazarus's death, Jesus was moved by both Mary's and Martha's faith and His love for them and their brother and so raised him from the dead.

b.  Women accompanied Jesus on His preaching tours, they were frequently the object of the miracles He did:

(1.  The Samaritan woman: many saved because of her witness. Jn. 4:39

(2.  The woman caught in Adultery Jn. 8:1-11

(3.  The woman who had a bleeding disease was healed: Matt. 9:20

(4.  Jairus's daughter healed Luke 8:49-56

(5.  Peter's mother-in-law healed: Luke 4:38

(6.  The widow's son raised from death: Luke 7:11-17

(7.  A Canaanite woman's demon possessed daughter delivered, Jesus even said to her "woman, you have great faith!" Matt. 15:21-28

(8.  A crippled woman healed on the Sabbath: Luke 13:10-17

(9.  The widow's offering praised by Jesus. Luke 21:1-4

(10. The woman who anointed Jesus. Mark 14:1-9

3.   They were at the cross while the men disciples had fled, or stayed at a distance!

4.   They were the first to know of the resurrection and the first Jesus showed Himself to!

5.   They were in the upper room on Pentecost and were filled with the Spirit as were the men! Acts 1-2

6.   They helped elect Matthias as the replacement of Judas Acts 1:15-26

7.   The promise of the Spirit's work in Joel 2 was for both "sons and daughters"

8.   They were given ministry:

a.  John Mark's mom's home became the meeting place for the Church in Jerusalem. Acts 12:12-17

b.  Paul's first convert in Europe was a lady - Lydia Acts 16:13-15, in fact this happened at the first WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY mentioned in the Bible, it says Paul was preaching to a group of women at the edge of town!

c.  Priscilla and her husband Aquilla, together taught Apollos the Gospel Acts 18:24-26, Paul also refers to both of them as "fellow workers" in Romans 16:3

d.  Philip the evangelist was said to have 4 daughters who were prophetesses! Acts 21:8-9

9. Paul Acknowledges the direct Spiritual impact on Timothy's life to the faith­fulness of 2 godly ladies: Mom Eunice and Grandma Lois2 Tim. 1:5

10. Paul in closing his letter to the Church in Rome lists at least 9 ladies who were active in ministry!  Romans 16:1-16


C.   Today!

1.  Women are missionaries

2.  They preach and teach! (after all, ALL believers are priests! 1 Pet. 2:5

3.  They are gifted by God's Spirit for ministry!

4.  They too are "joint heirs" with Christ, equals with us in redemption's plan!

5.  The world, our homes, our Church would be a dreary place without them.

a.  We would be only be 1/2 a world

b.  We would be only 1/2 a man

c.  We would be only 1/2 of a church without the godly, beautiful daughters of Zion!

d.  Thank God for all of them!



A.    Roles Defined by the World

1.   The world is pushing women to be competitive rather than complimentary!

a.  This is not God's idea!

b.  This will only lead to a quicker death of family, and society!

2.   Superiority is a useless goal, it has always preceded defeat & destruction!

a.   Adolf Hitler had the superior race - it was part of his undoing!

b.   Nations strive for superiority often still ending in destruction!

c.   superiority's goal is overcoming someone else! Spirituality's goal is overcoming self!

3.   Don't listen ladies to the voices of superiority, God's call is equality!

a.  Equal pay for equal work is fine, and those areas of change that are needed to bring equality are important to work for

b.  Superiority however is a different issue, it is one surely to divide, rather than unite men and women in the goal of being all that God intends for us to be.


B.    Roles Defined By the Word  Prov. 31

1.   Godliness first! - be a "virtuous woman" Prov. 31:10-11

2.   Work toward the good! Prov. 31:12-15

3.   Find the needs of your life, your particular husband, your children, etc. and work to "minister" to those needs, dad you need to do the same!

4.   Be a good steward Prov. 31:16-21

a.   Prov. 31:16 sounds like a realtor - be wise in spending!

b.   Be wise in all the financial dealings of your life together, remember too, it is never "your" or "my" money, it is "OUR" money!

5.   Build each other up. ..you're looked at by God as a unit as well as by Him as individuals. Prov. 31:22-23

6.   Extra hobbies are fine  Prov. 31:24

7.   Develop real character Prov. 31:25

8.   Plan for the future  Prov. 31:25b

9.   Next to God your priority is your home & spouse - by the way dad that is also true of you too! Prov. 31:26-27

10. What a blessing you can be!  Prov. 31:28-31

11. You ladies deserve credit; we men wouldn't be what we are without God and you!  We love you all - and God loves you all!


CONCLUSION:  "A godly woman is worth more than rubies!"  So was the appraisal of King Lemuel as God spoke through him in His Word. The World, the church, the home, would all be losers without women who love God.  God more than anything else elevates womanhood to the level of equality with manhood, God loves you ladies, and He will use you to touch the world with His love, we're grateful as His church for each of you!