#7 The “IF Series”



TEXT:     Mark 5:22-43


INTRO:   There are two interesting stories of powerful fear, and powerful faith that occur on one single occasion with Jesus, ironically both involved females, and both involved a period of time that was equal; 12 years.

a.   A 12 year old Jewish girl was dying – her father a synagogue ruler

b.   A Jewish woman with an issue of blood for 12 years – which meant she was “unclean” and not permitted to be in the Synagogue, alienated from her own kind for 12 years straight.

What makes these two incidents compelling is their same time frame, but with different dynamics.  Yet they both were thinking, “WHAT IF” – they were “hoping!”


ILLUS:    My husband and I like to play "what if?" We sit and toss out ideas: What if we moved out of state? What if we enclosed our porch? What if we got a dog? Some of the what ifs come to fruition; others don't. But we've found that the very process airs out our marriage, opens doors and windows of possibility, draws us closer. It's not an idle exercise; to dream, to crack open that door, starts things happening. -- Elizabeth Cody Newenhuyse, Marriage Partnership, Vol. 7, no. 3.


The 12 year old Jewish girl had a father who was a synagogue ruler, someone who probably was supposed to avoid Jesus since the Jewish leaders were largely opposed to Jesus – and a woman with an issue of blood for 12 years which meant that she could never enter the synagogue, even if Jairus was her priest, because as a woman with a bleeding issue she was perpetually “unclean” and could not be in contact with her own kind.  She would have been out of the synagogue for the last 12 years!


However, both are desperate for Jesus; the ruler who should not be coming to Jesus, and the woman who should not touch Jesus!


PROP. SENT:   The Bible teaches us that the heart of Jesus never turns away from someone who seeks Him.  And if we seek Him, we will find Him, and He will touch us.  Never be afraid to ask Jesus; but come in faith.


I.  FAITH THAT PLEADS!   Mark 5:22-24


A.   Desperation!  Mark.9:22-23a

1.   This scene opens with Jesus near a seashore, and show a synagogue ruler named Jairus pleading Jesus for help in healing his sick 12 year old daughter!

a.   Although the Jewish leaders were suspicious of Jesus, this ruler was willing to put his own status with the other Jewish leaders on the altar because he was desperate for his daughter to be healed.

b.   In these moments, his concern for his daughter’s healing was greater than his own need to be accepted by others.

c.   Jesus doesn’t hesitate to respond to this grieving and frightened father, in spite of the position he held in the synagogue.  The “hope of what If” was driving him!


ILLUS:   An examination was being held in little Emma's class at school and the question was asked: "Upon what do hibernating animals subsist during the winter?" Emma thought for a few minutes and then wrote: "All winter long, hibernating animals subsist on the hope of a coming spring!" -- James S. Hewett, Illustrations Unlimited (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, 1988) p. 292.


2.   Need was more important to Jairus than protocol, even risking falling at Jesus’ feet, which to some indicated an act of worship.

a.   Jairus was willing to risk that Jesus might actually be the savior, the promised Messiah and could heal his daughter!

b.   This is all happening in the middle of a crowd, so there could be no covering over the fact that a Jewish ruler was seeking Jesus’ help.

c.   He had faith to believe, the essential ingredient for Jesus to act upon!

3.   This was an act of desperation, but with faith.


B.   Declaration!   Mark 5:23b-24

1.   To Jairus’ utmost joy, Jesus agrees to go with him to heal his daughter!

a.   Jesus responds to faith, no matter who we are.

b.   Jesus did not hesitate to respond, in spite of the crowd around Him.  Hope was driving him forward.


ILLUS:   Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier. -- Vern McLellan, The Complete Book of Practical Proverbs and Wacky Wit (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1996).


2.   Jairus’ daughter was about to be healed – and Jairus was at that moment glad that Jesus was willing to respond.

a.   But as they were on the way, an interruption occurs that delays Jesus!.

b.   We can only imagine what Jairus was feeling when Jesus stopped because someone else had touched Him.

3.   A delay could ruin everything for this synagogue ruler, and ironically, it was likely a delay from one of his parishioners who had not been in the synagogue for that last 12 years since she was suffering with an issue of blood which left her permanently “unclean” and unable to worship with her own people.





A.   Desperation!   Mark 5:25-28

1.   This woman too was desperate, just as Jairus was!

a.   Unlike Jairus’ daughter who enjoyed being in the synagogue her entire 12 years of life, this woman had been out of the synagogue for the same period of time with her “unclean” condition.

b.   Unlike the little girl, this woman had to live isolated, untouched by others, and as an outcast among her own kind.

c.   The woman with the issue of blood and the little girl may not have even known each other, they could not connect!

2.   This unnamed woman had sought help from many doctors over the years, submitted to many different kinds of treatments, all to no avail.

3.   In fact, the more treatments she got over the years, the worse her condition grew – she was indeed desperate as much as Jairus was for his own daughter.


ILLUS:   Clare Booth wrote, "There are no hopeless situations; there are only men who have grown hopeless about them." -- Robert C. Shannon, 1000 Windows, (Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing Company, 1997).


4.   This woman is practical however, realizing that being in a crowd could make other people unclean if she touched them, and made them aware of her she was, so she decides to approach Jesus without identifying herself.

5.   She simply wishes to touch Jesus’ garment and then sneak away.

a.   She was confident that IF she could simply touch His garment she would be healed, but practical in that she didn’t want to create uproar over her uncleanliness and therefore contamination of others.

b.   She wanted healing, but without confrontation publically.

6.   She sneaks up behind Jesus through the crowd to simply touch His garment!

a.   Her faith was at work!

b.   And her practical concern not to make anyone else unclean.


B.   Deliverance!   Mark 5:29

1.   As soon as she touches Jesus robe, she is immediately healed!

a.   She was not only healed at this point, but make ceremonially clean by Jesus at the same moment since her flow of blood stopped instantly.

b.   A whole new future would open up to her now that she had been healed!

c.   However, at the same time, Jesus realizes that some power has left Him, and he stops his trip to Jairus’ house to deal with this woman - this delay cost Jairus’ daughter her life, she dies with this delay before Jesus could get back on the road to his house.

2.   At this point, this woman thinks no one knows she is healed – except her!

a.   She is in for a surprise reaction by Jesus however, one that panics her, and also panics Jairus.

b.   Both Jairus and this woman become fearful; the woman that she will be found out in the midst of the crowd, and Jairus, that his daughter might die with this delay.

c.   Yet, Jesus had plans for them both, plans to have them both receive although very different people.


ILLUS:   On a cruise from Mexico to Hawaii in 1979, Los Angeles lawyer John Peckham and his wife, Dottie, put a note in a bottle and tossed it into the Pacific. Three years and nine thousand miles later, Vietnamese refugee Nguyen Van Hoa leaned down from a tiny, crowded boat and plucked the bottle from the South China Sea--amazed to find a name and address, a dollar for postage and the promise of a reward. "It gave me hope," said Hoa, who had escaped from a prison camp in Vietnam. Safe in a UN refugee camp in Thailand, Hoa wrote the surprised Peckhams. For two years they corresponded; Hoa married and had a son. Last year, the Peckhams agreed to sponsor the emigration of Hoa, now thirty-one, and his family. In April, they arrived for an emotional meeting with the Peckhams--and a new life from an old bottle. -- James S. Hewett, Illustrations Unlimited (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, 1988) pp. 114-115.


3.   Why does Jesus point out this woman in the crowd?  And what about the delay which caused the 12 year old girl to die in the meantime?


III.  FEAR THAT PANICS!   Mark 5:30-43


A.   Discovered!   Mark 5:30-33

1.   Jesus stops and asks who touched Him?  A frightened woman who was just healed is thinking to herself, “Why is Jesus pointing me out, I tried to hide doing this so no one would panic over my “unclean” status.”

a.   Why did Jesus point her out?  Probably to make her healing public, in order to allow her back into the synagogue as one who is now clean!  If Jesus had not done this publically in the midst of the crowd and in front of the synagogue ruler she may have been doubted!

b.   Jesus wasn’t trying to embarrass her; in fact, He was trying to free her from her “outcast” role.  !

c.   What a powerful witness of Christ’s great love for her!

2.   Although this was a delay for Jairus, it meant an immediate approval for this woman, she could attend synagogue again and literally rub shoulders with her own Jewish family and friends again.

a.   Jesus was restoring not only her body, but her status in a public acknowledgement of her healing!  But Jairus was no doubt getting puzzled by this delay in dealing with this woman, it just wasn’t working for him!


ILLUS:   A woman in Terre Haute, Indiana, called the police station to report a skunk in her cellar. The police told the woman to make a trail of bread crumbs from the basement to the yard and to wait for the skunk to follow it outside. A little later the woman called back and said, "I did what you told me. Now, I've got two skunks in my cellar." -- James S. Hewett, Illustrations Unlimited (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, 1988) p. 230.


b.   He was setting her free in spite of the fear she showed in revealing herself as the one who had touched His robes.

3.   Her panic was unnecessary!  Jesus was being practical in healing her, by restoring her socially as well.

a.   Her trembling and confessing truthfully that she was the one who touched Jesus was being used by Jesus to fully restore her.

b.   She no doubt left there rejoicing for both her physical healing and her restored relationship in the community.


B.   Delivered!   Mark 5:34

1.   Jesus informs her that her faith had brought her healing.

2.   Jesus tells her to “go in peace” and “be healed”

a.   “Go in peace” meant she was now restored to family and friends.

b.   “be healed” meant she was restored in body.

3.   Jesus is concerned about the whole person!


C.   Death!   Mark 5:35-40

1.   While still speaking to the woman and restoring her, messengers arrive from Jairus’ home with bad news.

a.   While we all rejoice over the woman’s healing, the time it took for Jesus to stop and deal with this woman had created a delay in going to Jairus’ home to heal his daughter!

b.   The delay had been great enough that the little 12 year old girl had passed away!

c.   You can only imagine what went through Jairus’ mind!  How could this ever be a good situation?


ILLUS:   In Enterprise, Alabama, you will see one of the most unusual monuments ever built. It is a monument to honor the boll weevil, the little insect that nearly destroyed the cotton on which the town's economy depended. Why a monument to so destructive an insect? Because before the boll weevil, every family depended on cotton for its livelihood. When the boll weevil struck, they diversified and began to plant peanuts with great success. The inscription reads: "In profound appreciation of the boll weevil and of what it has done as the herald of prosperity, this monument is erected by the citizens of Enterprise, Coffee County, Alabama." -- Robert C. Shannon, 1000 Windows, (Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing Company, 1997).


2.   Why did Jesus let my little girl die, this “unclean” woman sidetracked Jesus long enough for my precious “clean” daughter to pass away!

a.   Notice the messenger’s attitude at this point:  “why trouble the Teacher anymore?”

b.   In other words, don’t bother with Jesus – his delay cost you your daughter’s life.

c.   Their view of Jesus was that he was only a teacher anyway!

d.   Jesus clearly understood how easily Jairus’ faith could be shaken here, it was after all a long delay in order to heal someone else.

3.   Jairus was stunned by the news of his daughter being declared “death!”

a.   Jesus picks up on his panic and immediately addresses Jairus to “still believe.”

b.   Jesus says to him, “Do not be afraid any longer, only believe.”

c.   Delay is not a problem for Jesus; nothing is ever too late for Him!  Not even death!


D.   Delivered!   Mark 5:41-43

1.   Jesus immediately goes to Jairus’ house, and only allows Peter, James, and John to go in with Him to the girl.

a.   Of course, when Jesus arrives there are the paid mourners already there to cry and weep and carry on, all in the name of compassion toward the family for the girls passing!

b.   This was a common practice in the first century when someone died, there were people who were paid to come in and weep and carry on.  They did this to bring some sense of comfort to the family.

c.   But Jesus wasn’t interested in a ceremony of brokenness; He had a father’s faith to respond to.

2.   Jesus announces that the girl is only “sleeping” and the mourners begin to laugh at Jesus!

a.   In the presence of Jesus who is life no death can be!

b.   If you look in the New Testament at every occurrence when Jesus came across a funeral the person was always raised to life!

c.   Because Jesus is the “resurrection and the life” He gives life, even in the presence of death!

3.   With only those inside the room who had faith, Jesus simply takes the girl’s hand and says to her, “little girl, I say to you, get up!”

a.   Immediately, the little girl comes to life!

b.   She arises and walks around the room, while they all stare and are astounded!

c.   And as with the “unclean” woman, Jesus also becomes very practical, and tells the parents and those in the room to give her something to eat!  She had been sick for a while, and likely had not eaten.  Jesus not only heals the sickness, but addresses the daily need of eating as well.


**   I wonder if the next Sabbath synagogue service if the newly healed and restored woman sat next to the 12 year old daughter who also was healed?  They could now be together in the worship service.  Wouldn’t you have loved to have seen them together in worship, and hear their shared conversation next service?


CONCLUSION: “IF ONLY” said both a synagogue ruler and a women who was unclean by Jewish standards, a woman with a 12 year old bleeding problem?  Their “IF ONLY” was accompanied by faith however, and this moved the heart of Jesus to act on their behalf.  What “IF ONLY” are you facing today, do you have faith to believe?  Don’t be afraid to come in faith, even with your fears – Jesus is listening, and willing to hear you and respond!