INTRO:    We are currently living at a time when everything seems in short supply.  Some of this has to do with recent events the past couple of years, a pandemic, supply line issues, the threat of war and rising costs, etc. 


At such a time, the church has been hit hard with losing ground, the average church from the pandemic lost 30% of their congregation, most of that has never returned.  Stress levels in ministry have been very high, resulting in a large exodus of people in ministry, many simply quitting the ministry out of exhaustion. 


It feels like a struggle to keep going in the midst of all this, but there is good news for those who are willing to still keep working; there is more, much more that God has for us to do, and for His church to do.  And, God is not short of anything to see ministry happen in abundance still!


PROP. SENT:    The Bible encourages us to remember that God will do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think; that there is so much more that He has for us to do, and the power to enable us to do it.  Ministry has always been symbolized by four elements:  The Word of God, The Oil of God, The Servanthood of God, and all this while Shepherding.



I.   POWER! (Word) Jn. 1:1-4; Gen. 3:1-7;15


A.   God’s Word!  Jn. 1:1-4

1.   One of the items the candidates will be given tonight is the Word of God, the Scriptures.  When there was nothing in this universe except chaos and darkness God simply spoke and everything that exists came into existence! 

a.   Talk about “There is More!” – there was so much more!

b.   The power of God is not found in just the skills that we have, it is found in the power of God’s Word in and through our lives.

2.   Jesus was the “Word made flesh and dwelt among us.”  Imagine that, God entered the very creation He had made, He became flesh for us so that we would have so much more!

3.   We not only live in an amazing universe, but because God’s Word is so powerful, we live in an amazing relationship to God through the living Word of God.

a.   This is why preaching the Word of God is so important!

b.   God didn’t expect us to figure out a way to save ourselves, we neither had the wisdom nor the power to do that, but God’s Word taught us how!

c.   The Word of God is powerful, more powerful than a two-edged sword!

4.   You can’t build His Church on your skill, or your wisdom, or your hard work alone – His church is built upon the Word of God!


B.   God’s Grace   Gen. 3:1-7;15

1.   Even in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve sinned and destroyed the very relationship man had been created for, a real relationship with God – God had something more in store for us than just to leave us destitute in our sins!

a.   Gen. 3:15 states that though the serpent had bruised humanity’s heel, God would yet crush his head through the seed of the woman (Messiah) – the first word spoken about much more than all the loss!

b.   This is the Gospel, THERE IS MORE even after sin!  Most of us in this building tonight have experienced the “more” in Christ – the promise of the Word!

c.   God spoke a promise at the moment of the greatest loss – humanity was not at a dead end.  This is why God drove Adam and Eve from the garden, not to punish them, to prevent from eating from the “Tree of Life” and living eternally damned!  Even the act of driving them out of the garden was an act of Love and Grace, to redeem us later – more was coming – God still had something more, LIFE!

2.   Satan and all his schemes cannot destroy the Word of God, the living Christ as the Living Word had more after the cross!  Satan won nothing, and we gained everything!

a.   How did Jesus resist Satan in the wilderness, by the Scriptures, God’s Word.

b.   How did Moses help Israel become a nation belonging to God, through the written Word, the commandments of God which were carried their entire journey in the Ark of the Covenant.

c.   Satan will never get the last word, God always does!  Not one Word of God’s will fail, not even the jot and tittles. 



II.  PRESENCE!  (Oil) 2 Kgs 6:14-17; Jn. 20:19-23; Acts 1:8


A.   God’s Anointing!  2 Kgs 6:14-17

1.   God’s anointing is really His presence!  It isn’t just some mystical sensation you feel or ask for when you are going to preach, it is the actual presence of God!

a.   In this sense, you don’t have to ask God for an anointing, but just His presence, when His Presence is with you, and in the Church the anointing is there!

b.   What the world doesn’t see or know, is the very presence of God, and sometimes we forget it is here already too!

2.   Elisha had his servant Gehazi with him when the “King of Aram sent a great army with many chariots and horses to surround the city.” (2 kg. 6:14)

a.   When Gehazi the servant got up and saw all he saw was the enemy!  He became quite distraught and said to Elisha, “Oh, sir, what will we do now?” (2 Kg. 6:15b)

b.   Gehazi only saw the presence of the enemy and his power and might!  And yes, for what he could see the odds against them were absolutely impossible, surely this was the end!

c.   Elisha however SAW MORE!  THERE IS ALWAYS MORE!  And so he prayed not to defeat the enemy, but for Gehazi to see God’s presence with them, he prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!”  (2 Kg. 6:17) 

3.   God opened Gehazi’s eyes and he saw that the entire hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire – and there was MUCH MORE on their side than on the enemy’s side!

a.   God’s anointing was there, right there!

b.   And with His anointing (His presence) the enemy is already defeated!

4.   If God is in your heart, He is anointing you, His presence is upon you and with you!  The most common phrase in both the Old Testament and the New Testament is this: “I am with you” – or “and I will be with you, etc.”


ILLUS:   On March 5, 1994, Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Prescott was teaching a class for police officers in the Salt Lake City Library. As he stepped into the hallway he noticed a gunman herding 18 hostages into the next room. With a flash of insight, Prescott (dressed in street clothes) joined the group as the nineteenth hostage, followed them into the room, and shut the door. But when the gunman announced the order in which hostages would be executed, Prescott identified himself as a cop.  In the scuffle that followed, Prescott, in self-defense, fatally shot the armed man. The hostages were released unharmed.  God dressed himself in street clothes and entered our world, joining us who are held hostage to sin. On the cross Jesus defeated Satan and set us free from the power of sin. -- Greg Asimakoupoulos, ConcordCalifornia.  Leadership, Vol. 15, no. 3.


5.   When God called Moses His only request to the call was this:  Exodus 33:16-17 (NIV) “How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?" And the LORD said to Moses, "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name."

a.   It was never about Moses’ ability to speak, nor his skills, it was always about God’s presence with Him, and with the people God had uniquely called His own!

b.   God’s anointing makes all the difference in ministry, if He is present in your leadership, if He is present in your preaching, if He is present in the Church there will always be chariots of horses and soldier’s with flaming swords greater in number than what the enemy brings against you!

c.   Even when Jesus was ascending into Heaven, He promised not to leave us, nor forsake us, but to send another comforter to be with us!  And the Spirit of God will lead us into all truth and be with us!

d.   Jesus’ final promise to His disciples was, “Lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the ages.” (Matt. 28:20)     


B.    God’s Empowerment!  Jn. 20:19-23; Acts 1:8

1.   In John 20 Jesus meets up with His disciples behind closed doors and breathes on them to receive the Holy Spirit.

a.   This was stage one on their journey to be empowered differently from before.

b.   They were at this moment transformed into “New Birth” – their spirit made alive!  This was the inauguration of the New Covenant in them, Salvation!

2.   But this wasn’t the end; Jesus also instructed them to go to Jerusalem and wait for a special empowerment, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit! 

a.   This was critical for the mission!

b.   It still is today, Jesus had more for them!

c.   This was unique from John 20, it was an empowerment for ministry!

d.   We ARE a Pentecostal Church, and we need this empowerment still today!


ILLUS:   Great miracle of instant healing in Vergennes on the worst Sunday service of my career.  Mary healed immediately of breast cancer in spite of the fact that I had both preached poorly that day, and the service has been pretty dead!


III. POSTURE!  (Towel & Staff) Jn. 14:12-13; 15:12-21; 16:12-15


A.    God’s Favor!  Jn. 14:12-13; 15:12-21

1.   Jesus was the consummate servant!  He did great works, but His promise to the disciples was the they would do EVEN MORE or EVEN GREATER works than He did!  Talk about God’s favor!

a.   We don’t see great miracles without great servanthood!

b.   The towel was all about this, Jesus wrapped himself with the servant’s towel and washed their feet, He who was the greatest was willing to serve the most!

2.   God’s favor rests on those who are servants first, not dictators or pushy leaders.          

a.   The real power in ministry is found in your ability to serve others, not expecting others to serve you!

b.   There was no place among the disciples for those who wanted to sit on the right hand and the left hand of Jesus, instead Jesus told them all to be servants if they wanted His favor!

3.   We would see more miracles in the church if there were more servants!

a.   Notice the verse that follows Jesus talking about serving:  John 14:13-14 (NIV) “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

b.   So often this is quoted out of context, you see, when you are a servant you don’t ask for anything that would displease the Master; so yes, when you act as the servant you can ask and God will answer – because you are NOT seeking your own desires, but the master’s!

4.   The staff symbol is the same thing, the shepherd would lay down his life for the sheep, so it wasn’t about His own life, it was about the sheep!

a.   Any pastor who is unwilling to put the people of God above his/her own self is not a true shepherd!

b.   When God allowed a King to rule over His people he rejected the warriors, he rejected the military experts, he chose instead of shepherd boy who knew what it was to lay his life on the line for the sheep.

c.   Indeed, even when David showed up in camp when Israel faced Goliath, David didn’t ask who this giant was who dared to defy the armies of Israel, instead he said it this way, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Sam. 17:26)

d.   His King was God, not Saul.  A few verses earlier it states the David’s older brothers “followed Saul.”

e.   Your staff is a constant reminder that you are called to shepherd the King’s sheep, they don’t belong to you, but you are to shepherd them as God would.

5.   Keep the towel and staff in mind always – in doing so His favor will rest on you.


ILLUS:     Years ago, there was a master violinist in Europe. He would play in concerts, and he had a magnificent Stradivarius violin, extremely expensive. He would play the Stradivarius violin in concert and everyone would whisper in the crowd, "Listen to the beautiful sounds of the Stradivarius." He would play in churches, and people would say, "Listen to the beautiful sounds of the Stradivarius." He even played before kings and queens, and they, too, would turn to one another and say, "Listen to the beautiful sounds of the Stradivarius." All the glory went to the instrument.

Then one day this master violinist was walking by a pawnshop. He noticed an old, beat-up, worn-out violin. He walked into the pawnshop and asked how much it would cost. The owner of the pawn shop told him the American equivalent of five dollars. He bought the violin, and he took it home. He polished it, and he refined it, and he tuned it, and he re-tuned it, and he built some character into that violin. Then, when he was to play the greatest performance of his life in a concert hall, he took out the little, five-dollar, worn-out, beat- up violin that he had polished and refined. He put it up to his chin, and he began to play, and everybody in the concert hall whispered, "Listen to the beautiful sounds of the Stradivarius." -- Ron Lee Davis, "Rejoicing in Our Suffering," Preaching Today, Tape No. 74.


B.    God’s Help!  Jn. 16:12-15

1.   All ministry is a challenge, you are trying to do the work of God as an imperfect servant.  There is no way anyone can fulfill ministry without help!

a.   Fortunately, God promises this, even the stuff we absolutely panic over because we don’t always know the answer!

b.   You will be stumped many times in trying to figure out what to do, so how do we get help from God over things down the road that might totally throw us for a loop?

2.   Jesus tells His disciples that for all the stuff coming down the road that might be hard to figure out He has help always ready!

a.   Jesus promises that the “Spirit of truth” – the Holy Spirit will help us, He will come when we need it and help guide us, direct us, help us figure out what to do.

b.   Trust me, there will be moments in time when you don’t have the answers, but God always does!

c.   This is a real promise!  Jesus tells them plainly that right now they can’t bear it all, but when the time comes the Holy Spirit will guide them into doing what is right!

3.   Even in our mistakes God can still be at work, so never panic!

4.   We can minister with confidence, not in ourselves, per se, but in the knowledge that God’s Spirit is actually working to guide us.  John 16:12-15 (NIV) “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.  But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.  He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.”


ILLUS:   Building the South Wall in the sanctuary in Vergennes.  A new believer messed up all the studs by cutting them 2 inches too short at the top.  So, we had to put another 2/6 plate on top of that wall with a ½ inch plywood between to make up the 2 inches.  However, when the bank sent the inspectors to our site to be sure we were building correctly, they were amazed that we had done that, it turned out that the kind of ceiling trusses we were putting up in the sanctuary had to have one wall on one site with a double plate so the weight of snow in winter can allow that one side to flex.  It was done the way expert contractors would have done, and they were shocked that we knew enough to do that! (So were we! – But, that was God, our error was His design to have it done correctly! – Dennis Marquardt


5.   The Spirit of God empowers us, He equips us, and He guides us!

6.   What is Jesus saying here at the end:  THERE IS MORE, MUCH MORE coming!

a.   There is great ministry coming yet!

b.   There is a great awakening coming yet!

c.   There is great power coming yet!

d.   There is so much MORE for us to do, and for us to be!


CONCLUSION:   Those who are willing to stay in the fight for the Good News of salvation will discover that there is no shortage of God’s supply and help.  In fact, not only is there enough to do what He has called us to do, there is so much more He will provide if we move out in faith and trust Him!  Great things are coming!